Lawton Police Department Policy Manual
The purpose of this operations manual is to provide guidance for dealing with the most commonly confronted situations relating to the multi-faceted profession of a Law Enforcement Officer. Obviously, it is impossible to cover each and every situation that will confront a Police Officer. Changes in laws and ideas, as well as limited publication material, necessitate that this manual provide enough instruction and direction for the professional officer to formulate a basis for sound judgment and good discretion so that specific situations can be handled in a consistent manner with sound reasoning.
This manual is divided into three distinct parts: (1) General Provisions, (2) Rules and Regulations, and (3) Policy and Procedures. The “General Provisions” provide for general instruction and definitions specific to this manual.
The “Rules and Regulations” section of the manual sets forth administrative directions which will not be deviated from except in extreme exceptions. These directions usually are concerned with areas of law enforcement that do not require snap decisions on the part of an officer. Failure to comply with directions found in this section of the manual may be considered a breach of discipline or conduct unbecoming an officer as the case may be.
The “Policy and Procedures” section of the manual provides direction for prevalent, contemporary policy problems, principles, and practices. These directions will be followed unless unusual circumstances exist for which the officer and his supervisor can provide a valid explanation for deviation. It is a basis for a better understanding of what is expected as a standard for most situations.
Lastly, it must be recognized that this manual is not the product of one author or department. Much of the material covered has been passed down within various law enforcement agencies for centuries. Some ideas have been borrowed from the manuals of other Departments. Some have come from the administration, supervision, and personnel within this Department. Together, these ideas and materials describe how the professional police officer operates within the law to enforce the law and enhance respect for the law.
Lawton Police Department Policy Manual